
Has anyone successfully made microwave chips?

by Guest66625  |  earlier

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The instructions I have are just spray the plate with fat free non-stick spray, put the slices on in a single row, microwave 4 minutes, turn, microwave 3 minutes but that totally burned them. So this time I did 2 minutes and then 3 minutes and they looked good, but were still a little underdone. It says you have to let them cool on the plate or they won't harden, I'm wondering how long does it take for them to cool/harden? And how light brown should they be? Mine were mostly white with some light brown lines coming out from the center. I think I may just need to add another 30 seconds, what do you think?




  1. it's called use an oven. no one ever cooked anything good in the microwave. besides, all it is is radiation being put into your food.

  2. i have never made that, but maybe you could turn the power from high to mediium.

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