
Has anyone successfully quit smoking after 13 years or more?

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Any success stories?

How did you did you do it?




  1. Smoked for 33 years without really thinking about quitting. Got the flu and I felt like I was going to die. I quit cold turkey, bothered me for about 4 or 5 months. That was 11 years ago (I'm 66 now). Not one thougth that I will ever start again and it does not bother me 1 bit.

    You have to want to quit to do it.

    Good luck

  2. go to  it has a members forum and testimonials to read.  i smoked for 17 yrs and quit dec 2007. i have not smoked a cig for 8 months now.  just do it, if you love your body and want to live longer for your loved ones, you will do it.  you have to. now and not later.

  3. It's easy to quit smoking I've done it dozens of times.

  4. I smoked for years...One day I finally quit. I had to change my habits and keep busy. On my way home from work I would get gas and go inside to pay. There they were, right by the cash I would pick up a pack. I started going a different way home and paying at the pump instead. I also started chewing gum and sucking on lollipops.

    I haven't had one for 5 years..the smell alone makes me sick.

  5. Yes, loads of people!

    Not me, I smoked for weeks. However, my Mum and Dad gave up after 35 years of it. That was ten years ago and they haven't smoked since. My Dad did spend a few years on Nicotine gum, but it is still better than smoking, and my Mum used gum for only a few months.

    They don't regret it at all. They are much healthier.

  6. Sure

    I used the Commit nicotine lozenges, then used Chantix for six months to get off the lozenges

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