
Has anyone suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because of their work?

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How did you know? Symptoms? When did it go away? Did you seek help?





  1. For someone to get Post Traumatic Stress Disorder they need to have something really traumatic happen to them, something that they psychologically can't deal with, so they go in some sort of dark place. It can happen if, say, you witness the death of a loved one or are shot or have something else bad happen to you. I think that's what it is, at least. All I know about it I learned from the movie "The Client" with Brad Renfro. lolz. So I wouldn't consider myself an expert on this subjct.

  2. I haven't been diagnosed with PTSD, and haven't heard of it except for people in dangerous or intense fields (doctors, emts, firemen, police, prison staff)

    What I have is acute occupational anxiety, in addition to generalized anxiety. When I have to go to work & once I'm there I have heart palpitations, occasional tremors, a drive to scratch or pick, intense nausea sometimes to the point of vomiting, insomnia, and a constant feeling like the bosses are following me or watching/focusing on/trying to trick me.  I replay things that happen all the time, even little things, and analyze them to death, I have to go outside or away from my coworkers to try to relax and have had panic attacks thinking about going to work the next day.  The odd thing is that I like what I do and don't want to quit, it's very upsetting.

    It hasn't gone away but is intensifying.  That's why I'm going through therapy, because it's making it so that I am so stressed out that I can barely handle to go to the office in the morning :[

    PTSD can come from a single event, or a series of ongoing ones.  Sometimes it can mimic anxiety, or vice versa.  If you're suffering anxiety or worse then you very well may want to seek help.

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