
Has anyone suffered insomnia with clomid?

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1st mth taking clomid apart from having a migrane day4-7 and feeling ratty constantly i have been suffering with no sleep as well .

please tell me its not the clomid as i am only onmy 1st month and feel awfull :-(

please give your experience of clomid.

thanks xx




  1. I have insommnia anyway, so the only thing I noticed while taking Clomid, is the horrible headaches, and hotflashes! I started out taking 50mg of it for a while, now

    I'm seeing a specialist,and they have me on a higher dose of it, so far, nothing magical or exciting has happened. I guess that's where patience comes in...which is something I don't have, and my hubby will testify to that! But just hang n there, and let it get in your system for a while, everyone is different.

  2. Hey there.

    i got preg on 1st shot of clomid after trying for 4 years!! and am now nearly 17 weeks pregnant.

    when i was on clomid i was fine but about i week after i stopped it, i was tearful, moody, and had insomnia and just thought that i would never ever have kids! well look at me now!

    please try to be positive! cause i wasn't at all, even now I'm panicky all the time about things going wrong.

    i think its normal to get in such a state when babies mean the world to you. Also maybe the insomnia is just our minds working overdrive thinking and thinking! mind is so powerful, you might be sub conciously doing that.

    Good luck thinking of you! any info you need on fert/clomid contact me as i am the master now on all to do with getting preg!


  3. it could be any number of factors but if its only just since you started taking the clomid that is prob the cause, i only had some mild side affects and i found by taking clomid before i went to bed helped me.

    maybe try a nytol when you take them to try and get you off to sleep then by time you wake up you should be ok..give it a go, worked for me!...

    I wish you all the best of luck with the clomid, i was TTC for 5 years, 1st month on clomid i concieved but miscarried at 6 weeks, 2nd time ovulated but no BFP, 3rd time lucky and im now 15 weeks pregnant!!!!

    ********BABY DUST ********

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