
Has anyone suffered this side effect of the pill?? Picking the wrong man!?

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  1. What?! lol!

    What ever will they think of next?

  2.   Apparently I I am now single

  3. My wife sure picked a good one in me.  

    Other than the occasional "Do the dishes-NOW!" or "Iron my shirt-NOW!" from me, I say her choice was solid.  I even let her leave the house once in a while.

    Just kidding of course.  But is just a stupid study with no basis in anything and no validity.

  4. Absolutely! I suffered this excruciating complaint for at least 11 years when I was married and for another 13 years with my last partner.... the pain is overwhelming and overbearing, affecting every aspect of a woman's life - leaving her depleted, depressed and so lacking in confidence that she spends every second of every waking moment apologising to the world for still existing and taking up even the minuscule of space!..... however the remedy to this extremely common malady, although simple, takes a strong woman with a strong sense of self and worth to implement, and a strong determination to persevere: - demanding an appreciation and value of her efforts, abilities and faithfulness, her devotion and self-sacrifice, her strength to overcome any and all hurdles that threaten her relationship and family and complete support to both ..... otherwise such gifts and treasures are withdrawn and withheld with immediate effect - in fact such immeasurable advantages could be wished and bequeathed to another more worthy cause!.......  

  5. I wish i had that excuse, with anything in my system I seem to go wrong when it comes to men..blah

  6. I think womens choice in certain men, says more about the woman than the man.

  7. No I have not picked anything today  

  8. lol. does it affect your eyes too?

  9. that is so interesting, maybe thats y i always get fools, lol, iv been on the pill for about 7 years, and always pick bad men, and smell is big for me, i love the smell of a guy.

  10. Apparently you did.

  11. I hope you weren't on the pill when you met Shady. ;)

  12. hahaha i hope not because im still with him! Fingers crossed!

  13. I am the result of no pill  

  14. Now THAT explains a lot!!

  15. lol yes!

  16. I have been a victim of that more than once.

  17. Ive been doing that for years but am not on the pill...interesting. Perhaps its all the chemicals in the tap water.  

  18. that would explain my love life

  19. In my younger days we couldn't get the pill unless we were  either engaged or married. Engaged 'ladies'  had their names called out very loudly, as Miss whatever, by supercillious receptionists at the family planning clinic! I cringed in horror when mine was called and that was only a month before my wedding! Picking the wrong man has nothing to do with the pill and everything to do with s*x and how fanciable he is but i really envy todays girls who don't give a d**n about how other people feel, they're going to enjoy a relationship and hopefully it will work out. I also feel very sorry for the majority who are used, well, they're on the pill aren't they? and then left after he gets what he wants. I have two sons, one whos attitude is more like his grandfathers and the other who loves his dog, beer and women in that order - the so and so always has a grin on his face!

  20. Wow now I know why I used to go out with complete tossers lol

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