
Has anyone taken a holiday in Iran (Persepolis)?

by Guest64200  |  earlier

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I am thinking of a trip later in the year to see Isfahan and Persepolis and would be interested to hear of any other Western woman's experience there.




  1. it should be great, and for the answerer that says he was treated as a terrorist, now you know how middle easterns feel and what they go through at airports in western countries

  2. i think u will find it difficult to get a visa being a western woman if ur single. they refused me even tho i was planning on going with my husband who was from dubai to visit his family. that was a few yrs ago and of course it may have changed. if so then good luck it is a lovely place i have heard. dont listen to negatives, if u obey the law u will have no problem.  

  3. No, but I plan to. I'm Pakistani so I'll blend in pretty well anyway!!  

  4. no, but i hear only positives from visiting such a unique and misunderstood country.

  5. Prepare your trip through a traveller's agency & you will see everything & will have the time of your life. All the tourists I met in Iran, just loved it;-)

  6. I am male i went there in march 2007, for two weeks i stayed in Tehran and drove to north to Caspian Sea.

    Got lot of problems when i came back, When i got off the Airplane Police were pointing guns at us and i was interwied by anti-terrorist Police and treated like a terrorist.    

  7. Hi dear,I'm iranian and I live in's just 30 minutes from shiraz to should visit Isfahan and Shiraz.

    about your covering,take it easy,you can wear a scarf,for covering your hair,and a blouse with long sleeve and trousers...or in summer with skirts! Be sure,that Iranians,and specially People in shiraz are hospitable.

  8. Great.

    Isfahan, Shiraz and Yazd are beautiful. we can help you to have a fantastic trip. follow it:

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