
Has anyone taken a preg test and left it over 10 mins and actally has been preg?

by  |  earlier

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i think i may be preg i think i had implant bleeding cause it was very light and mostly there when i wiped ,but i took a preg test but i was busy gettin dinner ready and i think i left it over 10 min a faint pinkish line was there but you had to hold it upto the light to see it ,so i think it maybe an expression line ,has anyone ever been preg after leaving it 10 mins ?




  1. well i did many tests said no but i knew it wanst right, so i bought a cheap one after spending so much money did it left it for about 30mins as went to shops and a faint pinkish line appeared, i booked in the doctors that day and he said they do not lie, they can say no and mean yes, but will not say yes and mean no, congratulations xxxx book in doctors and they will do a test there and then to make sure

  2. I would say its an evaporation line and you should test again, that way you'll know for sure

  3. its an evaporation line, the line has to show up within the set limit, or its not considered positive. Also, if you have to hold it up to the light i wouldnt rely on it either. if u are pregnant, take another in a couple days and it will be darker. Or get a blood test!!!

    Good Luck!!!

  4. all brands of HPT say that disregard any result after the test time has passed.suppose the hpt says on it that result will be shown in one minute & it comes up negative but u leave it for another 10 minutes & then it shows positive.thats wrong,its still negative,any result it shows after the time limit has passed is wrong.if u thing u r pregnant then u must wait till 7 days after a missed periods then go & get a blood test done.i know its very frustating but there is no other option then waiting to find out!!all the best,i really hope u r pregnant,lots of baby dust to u.

  5. yep in fact i did a test first thing left it a few mins and nothing just left it on the side as the phone went.... ten minutes later my partner got up and went in the bathroom, he come down and said did you leave that test for me to find??? i said no sorry i forgot to throw it... but your pregnant he said!!! I couldn't get up them stairs fast enought lol....

    I had been trying for 5 years so id had so many BFN i couldn't believe it! Im now 17 weeks!!!

    Good luck wiv your pregnancy hunni xx

  6. thats what i did and i have the same line but when ive took another test its negative. its so frustrating isnt it

  7. When I took my first test I was sure I was not pregnant because there was only one time when I could have got pregnant and the chances are slim right?  So I peed on the stick and left to cook dinner.  30 minutes later I went to look and it was there.  A faint line.  I was pregnant, but unfortunately miscarried at 9.5 weeks.  It was definitely positive though.  I took a total of like 5 tests all together, between home and the Drs office.

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