
Has anyone taken an early

by Guest64112  |  earlier

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has anyone taken a preganacy test 5 days b4 the missed period and actully had a positive? My period is due on the 23rd of this month and I'm just so excited and anxcious I want to take the test asap but I don't want to waste one. I'll probably just wait till its hopefully late but I'd still like to know. i have the 1st response early pregancy test




  1. that one is good to take but i think its too early your hcg levels are not high enough

  2. I took a hpt 4 days before, and it was positive, but then had many negatives.  I wish I would have never taken that first test because now I am driving my self crazy.  Save yourself the trouble (and money!) and wait.

  3. I tested 3 days early with a First Response and got a negative result. I tested again 3 days later, when my period was only about 6 hours late, and got a nice BFP. I know how hard it is not to test (I was a POAS addict while ttc) but it is better to wait. Good luck!

  4. I have not personally, but on one of the boards I use I have met several women who have.  It all depends on when implantation occurs and how quickly the hcg level rises.  Multiples are also likely to give earlier positive pregnancy tests.  Tests that early will miss a lot of pregnancies, though, so if you want to test that early, I suggest you get some inexpensive high sensitivity tests online at a place like

  5. hmmmmm idk

  6. Yes it is possible, but if you don't want to waste a test I would wait until you miss your period.  You can get tests at the dollar store.  

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