
Has anyone taught both first grade AND kindergarten?

by Guest59374  |  earlier

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I am looking for someone who has taught both first grade and kindergarten. I have previously taught first grade and am up for a possible position as a kindergarten teacher. Can I use many of the same things that I used in my first grade class? Is there a huge difference in the curriculum? I will take the job, regardless. I would just love some input from someone who has done both. Thanks!!




  1. i haven't passed either! sorry, i can't help you

  2. I am in the same exact boat as you.  The K position in my district has been posted today!  I know at my school there's a large difference in the reading curriculum- they use the reading series from scholastic and in first grade I only used guided reading.  Good luck!  I hope we both get the jobs!

  3. I have done both, and I love kindergarten the best.  For one thing you have more freedom to do creative things with the curriculum.   The kids love you.  If you have good management skills in first grade, you should be fine in kindergarten.   You can use games and songs for teaching.  They love that.  I would talk to a kindergarten teacher or pair up with a kindergarten teacher ( a really good one) your first year.   They need a varied schedule that starts off with easy activities so they can get the rules and routines down (like where do I put my work, when may I go to the bathroom, when may we get water, what are the playground rules, what does it mean to be a helper, what are the consequences for misbehavior).  I used easy units at first.  The first week was just learning the routines, the second week, we did All About Me, the third week we reviewed colors, the fourth week, I introduced the four basic shapes and used colors in teaching them.  

    I hope you have a wonderful year!

  4. Not really. those are 2 very different groups. You really aren't TEACHING a curriculum with Kindergarteners PER SE. YOu are more teaching the general skills and other things to PREPARE them for 1st grade. I guess the big question would be "Full Day or 1/2 day kindergarten"? I don't see how a person could do both justice. just too much of a change.

  5. I have taught in both class rooms. No, there is not a lot of difference in the teaching skills. You just teach the same thing in variant ways so that you don't bore the students.

  6. i have taught both. some things can be used while some can not. now it makes sense to save a couple stuff for those advanced kids who think learning ABC is a bore.

    simply stated, u can use the stuff but u will find that they will serve a different purpose.

    the curriculum is different.....but i will get the hang of it. just thik about all the skills u expect kids enering 1st grade to have. yep....u will need to teach those skills.

    initial sounds, medial, final sounds, blending, letter and number identification., counting

    take a look at the links...they will give u some idea what to teach in kindergarten

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