
Has anyone thought of World Environment day today?

by Guest60700  |  earlier

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Today is June the 5th and the day when we consider our environment.I am happy because my daughters school has a Birdwatch Group and they got an Environmental Award for caring for their environment.They dont just learn about birds.They have planted trees.




  1. I wish that more schools would make this day a priority to celebrate. I believe that June 5th should be spent teaching the children about our environment and how to protect it. Teaching them how they can make a difference.

  2. That is great.........

  3. envirionment day ha te be celebrated by us daily.then and then we can survive in the polluted world.the purpose of saving environment is not solved by just celebtating it once in a year. we have so strive for whole of the year, it can be through acts ,counselling  and advertising it.

  4. No, I have not thought about it. I have thought about the two recent terror plots we foiled, however. Does that count?

  5. If each person will plant a tree on this day it will be wonderful. Imagine if we could replant all the trees that got burned in wild fires all those trees could be replace if we could all help.

  6. I've thought about it!  I think it's a great way to enhance awareness of how our actions affect the whole planet.  We may hear about that every day, but having one day just to focus on it makes a difference I think.  Hopefully tomorrow, someone will consider how their actions affect the environment that hasn't thought of it before!

  7. The World Environment Day website is worth a visit.  There is a lot of easily accessible information.

    It's great that some schools are using this day as a teaching opportunity.  Children who get involved in an activity like bird identification or tree planting develop a sense of responsibility for the environment.

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