
Has anyone traveled to Paris??

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  1. Yes, it's an amazing city with something for everyone. One of the top places I've ever visited and no doubt one of the top travel destinations in the world.

  2. Yes. Paris is beautiful. I could walk around all day and do nothing but look at the architecture! I used to go to school in Germany and skip school on Fridays so I could head to Paris for the weekend. Good Times. Good Times.

  3. Yes, I was there twice.  It is a challenge to drive around in the city, but if you pay attention, it is not that difficult.  If you are not driving, the Metro is world famous.  You can buy a pass good for different time periods and ride all you want for that time or just buy single use tickets.  There are boards that light up on maps to help you determing which subways you need to take.  I want to all the usual spots, the Eiffle Tower, Arc d'Triumph, the Louvre, Notre Dame, took the tour boat.  I had taken French while a freshman in college, but never used it, so knew few words, but did not have a problem.  Look at the signs and most of them (from Cafe, Hotel, etc., to street signs) are easy to "translate".

    Believe it, the French are not really rude.  In fact, both times I was there, with so many teens wearing jeans, etc., one would think you were in the States.

  4. I did last summer!!  if youre going, be sure to try the crepes and gellatto....mmmmmm!

  5. I was going to say "yes" but Sniik beat me to the punch. So for diversity's sake I'll say "absolutely".

  6. Sure, what do you need to know?  Check out Yahoo! Trip Planner and you can get some travel ideas.

  7. Yes.

  8. yes. my aunt and she said it is very cold and most of the things is expensive but chocolate is very cheap.

  9. Yes and it is over-rated.  France is a great country but the Parisians give it a bad name with their arrogant attitude.  The city landscape isn't special; there is a river.  The buildings are beautiful and the museums are splendid.  But there are so many foreigners that a trip to Paris isn't an authentic Franch experience anymore.  There are too many tourists.  The city is dirty.  And the Parisians think they live in the center on the civilized world.  They are monsters and the rest of France hate the Parisians.

    Go visit Nantes, Lyon, Marseilles, etc.  Paris is ok for a day or two.

  10. Yes. I have some good pics and any info if you want to just send me an email or hit me up on my yahoo 360 page.

  11. Bonjour,

    I live in Paris! et pour moi c'est pas la plus belle ville du monde, peut etre vers les monuments c jolie mais pour le reste c'est meme dangereu! je suis pas loin de Roissy Charle De Gaulle l'aéroport!!

  12. Me i have we went on the Plane from Newcastle Airport to Charls du Gahl Airport or however you spell it during the easter holidays. We went to the Louve, sat outside cause it was nice weather, also went to Disneyland Paris and wnet to the Eifel tower where i lost my family so i went down the stairs and waited for them.

    by the way if you go to Paris and go on the trams they are sometimes bisy like at 5 o'clock.

  13. I live in Paris, if you have questions :

  14. yes i go there every summer because my grandparents live there. every summer is a new experience and i always look forward to going there as i love the people, fashion, culture, their lifestyle, food...everything..right now, im majoring in french practitioning to work in paris in the future....

  15. I'd love to know what your questions are so we can answer them.  However, yes we've been there several times.  It's best off season (monetarily speaking) but the temperature is very cold and rainy.  Regardless, it's a beautiful city any way you look at it.  The metro is so simple to use, the shopping incredible, and the food is great, too.  Stay away from the American type restaurants though.  Take a stroll around the Seine, picnic in view of the Eiffel tower, and take it slow.  If you try to cram too much in it can be overwhelming.

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