
Has anyone trespassed railways? if yes, why?

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Has anyone trespassed railways? if yes, why?




  1. I trespassed over a train that was blocking my path home (the train was temporarily stopped!).  I did get a load of heck from my Mother!

  2. Yes I did. To take a shortcut out of stupidity (line with high speed trains).

  3. Yup

    growing up in a small town, a lot of times my friends and me would walk down the branch line to where we went fishing and just generally being kids.

    Never thought much of it, there was only one train a day each way and we knew when to expect them.

    One day out of boredom, we started putting things on the rail, nothing big, just lots of rocks and old spikes we found along the right of way.

    As it happened my Dad was the engineer on the train that day.

    He asked if I was the one putting all the junk on the rail, I said  umm, well ..............yeahhhh, i guess so.

    I didnt ever do that again!! LOL

    Things on the rail, although not often can be run over in just the right way and become a deadly missile, in one of the section shacks near here is a hole in the wall you could put your head through. Someone placed a tie plate on the rail and it flew through the wall and landed in the bathroom of the shack.

    It is illegal for a reason, dangerous for the trespasser AND potetially for rail crews. You cant imagine the thoughts that go through a train crew's mind when they see people walking along the tracks, especially young kids or anyone near bridges.

    There is not one career railroader that doesnt have horrible stories of fatalaties or injuries to trespassers.

    None of those people expected ot be hurt but they were.

    Please, stay back and be safe.

  4. If I ever have to trespass on railroad property, it's because there simply is no other way to get where I have to go. It'd only be walking across the tracks, not sitting on them, or riding bikes, 4-wheelers or dune buggys on them. If a train were to sneak up on you, you wouldn't hear it and you'd be done for.

  5. When I was a kid, I used to hang around the Santa Fe switching yards. But I stayed away from moving cars and no one said anything. When I got a bit older and started junior high, I'd walk along the tracks the mile to school. It was the most direct route. If there was a slow moving train, I'd hop on and catch a ride to school. No one saw that. And then in high school, I hopped a train a few times to ride to the next town, 30 miles away. I knew that town also had a switching yard and the train would have to slow down to 10 mph, and I could get off. One time I couldn't find a returning train and had to call my father to come get me. This was in the 1960s. An engineer gave me a 30 minute ride once when I was still in grade school at the yards I first spoke of. When I was in that engine, I thought, 'I've got to get me one of these.'  So, I am a locomotive engineer now with the Minnesota Northern Railroad. I have a great time with it.

  6. i just enjoy it i guess, zipping up the train tracks is just so much fun in a dune buggy....

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