
Has anyone tried Moody Mare or Oestress?

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I have a haflinger mare, she is only 5 but is the stroppiest thing i have ever met!

Was just wondering if anyone had any experience using Moody Mare or Oestress and if you found it works?

Or if there are any other makes along the same lines?

Many thanks in advance. "-)




  1. i have tried many different herbal and magnesium based additives on my horses, but found that they rarely work! they might take the edge off but its never anything drastic! I found the best thing is not to starve the horse, but to cut down the hard feed (of course depending on the work they are in) and only feeding a conditioning mix, barley and chaff untill i can get a handle on things, and changing from haylage to hay!!! makes a h**l of a difference.

    I found that ' Magic ' sort of quietened my mare down, but for what it did it wasnt worth the money

  2. My friend uses "Magic" by NAF on her mare. I like "Magnitude" by Equine America. They are both magnesium based, which is known for it's calming effect, particularly on mares (though my TB is a gelding but it works for him). "Stroppy Mare" by Dodson and Horrell is great too :-) It's herbal though, so has a cumulative effect.

  3. I've used Mellow Mare (looks very similar to Moody Mare) and found it worked.  It wasn't outstanding or anything but it did take the edge off.  I could tell a difference.

  4. I've used Moody Mare and found that it doesn't do much of anything. I had a little bit better success with "Mare Magic" - not a drastic change, but a little better. Never tried Oestress.  

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