
Has anyone tried Turkish coffee?

by Guest66926  |  earlier

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I'm particularly curious about Sultan coffee, Turkish style by Ziyad Bros. A friend of mine gave me a sample - I tasted it and my, it was weird.....but good, maybe. It was a strange experience, tasting something weird, yet could grow to like it or hate it. Not sure whether it was stale or whether all Turkish coffee tastes stale. Or maybe not familiar with turkish coffee. Also, tried to google that brand, but it was unusual - no reviews on the product....




  1. if you mean people still alive from it, i'd say doubtful

  2. Turkish coffee tastes so different only because it is made different, not because of the brand you buy. Coffee "turkish stlye" just means it is brewed by heating water and super fine ground beans together. There are no filters involved as in regular brewed coffee or esspresso. Pretty much you are making mud from coffee grounds, def. an acquired taste.....

  3. I have tried it and don't like the thick muddiness of it.  It does have a stale taste, not like western coffee.

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