
Has anyone tried any Online Trading Academy classes or heard good things about them?

by Guest56070  |  earlier

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Where the classes good or bad? Are you a successful trader now because of them? Would you recommend the CD versions or the actual physical attendance class versions?




  1. Online Trading Classes/Trading Seminars are not a bad thing to sign up for as long as the fee is not incredibly high. I have never attended one online, but many years ago, I did attend a seminar to see what it was all about because a few customers wanted to know what my opinion was on the classes and if they were worth it. I paid roughly $200 at the time.

    They have their good and bad points. It is really difficult to try and teach people things that usually take many years, in just a few hours/days. The courses generally give a pretty good overview of the basics, but leave new investors hanging in my opinion. Kind of like giving a new carpenter many the tools, and not teaching him how to use them.

    If you can afford it, attending actual classes are better.Again, I have attended one, and that cost just over $9,000, 7 years ago. The class lasted a little over one month, and I can honestly say it was useful. The advantage is working with an instructor one on one, so they can answer questions that you have as the coarse is going along.

    The biggest downside to it is the fact its a mere month short. It is like attending a cram school. The amount of information they pack into the coarse is staggering, so to get the most out of the coarse, good study skills are a must.

    The CD versions that you are referring to are also not a bad product to have because you can review it again and again and again until you get it. The problem again thous is that if you have a question, there is no one there to answer it.

    If possible, attend classes that have a specific topic. Not just "investing". The world of investing is extremely large and I am sure that you know this. It is FAR better to fully understand a few areas in investing, than it is to understand just a little about many things. Just ask the worlds top investors. They are there not because they are better than you, but because they are experts in their area of investing.

    Best Wishes,

    Christian Nago

    CEO & Chief Investment Officer

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