
Has anyone tried any of the colon cleanse products and do they work?

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I also want to know if this is something that I should consult my doctor about before using. I have read so much about how well they work but I would like to hear from people who have really tried it.




  1. There is a very broad range of colonics, so there can't be a single answer, but generally they will cleanse your colon, particularly the longer-term systems.

    The colon is very important in general health, and is very often unhealthy when a person eats a western diet. Fecal impactions, bacterial overgrowth, stricture and diverticuli are unfortunately very common in the western meat-and-carbohydrate diet.

    The most effective colon cleansing products are those that are multi-stage, starting with an adsorptive mixture like bentonite clay that leach out poisons and toxins from impactions, then pass them out, followed by an herbal 'roto-rooting' course using such things as black walnut, insoluble fiber, anti fungal/parasitics like clove/garlic etc. to soften and remove the impactions and clean out parasites. Finally, a long course (4-6+ weeks) of systemic herbal cleansing and immune system supplementation to prevent recurrence should finish the job.

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