
Has anyone tried breastfeeding with implants?

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They are under the muscle and the doc told me they shouldn't cause any complications with trying to breastfeed, but I wondered if he is right.




  1. I didn't get implants until after my 1st was born and weaned.  I didn't think I was going to have more kids...

    With my 1st I breastfed for an entire year and had no problems.  She was an easy baby and took to breastfeeding right away and my supply was fine.

    With the 2nd, she nursed so vigorously in the hosptial that she had me bleeding by day 2.  I went to a lactation consultant who said that I was very full of milk but the baby was having trouble getting the milk out.  By day 4, I was in agony and I started to supplement with formula and we were able to do both breast feed and bottle for about 8 months at which time I just went to formula. I attributed this all to an aggressive nurser.

    Well, #3 came along and the same thing began to happen with him.  Lots of milk, couldn't get a lot out, would suck harder, making me bleed etc.  So I ended up doing the same thing for him as #2

    I dont' know if this was related to my implants or not.  Mine are under the muscle as well.  All I can say is that with it being so easy the 1st time, I have my suspicions that the implants may not have interfered with production but perhaps with the ducts that allowed the milk to be extracted.  

    And that is just me... I'm sure thousands of women are more successful.

  2. Mine are saline, under the muscle and about eight years old. I have breastfed two babies with no trouble. My only worry is that someday they'll find out that breastfeeding with implants does have negative implications. But for now, there's no evidence of that, so I breastfeed! And I've had no complications so far. Two clogged ducts, and two breast infections, but I think that's normal for women without implants, too.

  3. the doctor is correct, it does not cause any complications. Also a lot of implants these days are made or a gel material instead of a liquid so they cant bust! everything will be fine.

  4. It may be more difficult but it is VERY possible. Good for you trying to do whats best for your baby :)

    Will the breast surgery I had in the past prevent me from being able to breastfeed my baby?

  5. My sister in law did with her last 2 babies.  The doc is right :)

  6. They are unlikely to cause problems. One of my friends has implants (because of uneven breast size) and is having no trouble feeding her 13 week old son.

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