
Has anyone tried salvia in brownies?

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everyone has had pot brownies and know that it is a diffrent hight because of the lo0ng onset peroid. well i was thinking what if you made salvia brownies. salvia is a really intence trip for a short time so it might be a longer less intence duration in a brownie it might be like acid anyone know?




  1. Never had pot brownies.  

    Hash brownies, yes  long long ago.

    Drugs are bad. Hmmmkay.

  2. No, I haven't. It won't work either. So don't waste your money. .

  3. Nah, I prefer walnuts or pecans.

  4. not going to work, dont waste the salvia. salvia doesnt work if ingested only if smoked or sublingual: has a ton of info on that and also the best extract i ever tried.  I also love Wild Kratom thats something you might be abe to make brownies from not sure but shouldnt be a problem.  You first need to boil the Kratom-X extract then mix it with the brownies, try it:

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