
Has anyone tried the Boca tofu Cik'n nuggets or patties?? Are they good?

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Has anyone tried the Boca tofu Cik'n nuggets or patties?? Are they good?




  1. The Boca chicken patties are great for a last minute meal! Plus you can chop them up and throw them in some spaghetti or another pasta dish.

  2. Nope I haven't I've heard they are good though. You should try Morning Star chicken nuggets though. They are the best false meat foods I have tried.

  3. yes, i have had the boca burgers, n they are delicouis, they taste wonderful to me, and since i don't eat meat, i use them all the time at cook outs, the only things is they smell a lil differant, not gross, but they just have a differant smell than actual meat. enjoy!

  4. I prefer ouorn chicken nuggets and patties, they taste much better to me and get excited when i have them

  5. i haven't had teh nuggets, but the pattys are pretty good. pretty flavorful at least.  I like em

  6. I eat them everyday, they are good, ive even given them to my dad and people at parties and they say how good they are, even though they eat meat.

    They are also healthy they have 11 grams protein and little fat.

  7. I've never had the nuggets, but the patties are delicious. Yesterday, I made one in the toaster oven and threw it on a bun with barbeque sauce and sliced onions and pickles. They're also good to cut into strips and put in a veggie wrap. But, really I try to stay away from all the mock meats. They're a good alternative to meat, but fresh, whole foods are better.

  8. We haven't tried the nuggets, but we LOVE the patties! They are one of my omni hubby's favorite foods!

  9. I eat them often and yes, they are good. Try Morningstar Chik'n strips. They're even better.

  10. the patties are excellent and I'm not even a vegetarian.  The spicy ones especially.  very good

  11. I haven't eaten the tofu as yet but the Burger's, Nuggets, chicken strips are all delicious

  12. I love the Boca burgers!  They are super super super yummy and it even tastes like meat!  I'm not a vegetarian, but I still eat them because its healthy for you.

    Its too bad that it is kinda expensive, but its good.  I highly recommend that.

  13. Both are SOOOO good!  I normally am not crazy over faux meats, either.  I wouldn't recommend them for everyday as they are expensive and processed, but they are a great treat or quick meal.  Just make sure that you read the ingredient list closely.  Their chik'n patties and chik'n nuggets come in both vegan and non-vegan varieties (the non-vegan ones have egg whites), and it is very difficult to tell the packages apart.

  14. DELICIOUS!!!!!!!

  15. I have tried them both and really like them, but the Morningstar Farms brand ones have a better flavor.  I think so anyway:)

  16. They are both very good.

  17. in my opinion they are amazing. i eat them on a weekly basis.

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