
Has anyone tried the DETOX Foot Pad/patches that Walgreens sells? Do they do anything/really work??

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I have really been wanting to try out those fairly new DETOX foot patches that I have seen in Walgreens. I don't know if they are just another new 'thing' that really doesn't do anything or WHAT? I am wondering if ANYONE HAS TRIED THESE and did they do anything for you??? DO they even work? thanks.




  1. i have used them..and what you see in the morning is pretty gross..i got mine on ebay.

  2. They're called Kinoki foot pads and yes they work.  Get some, put them on your feet as the instructions show and go to sleep.  When you wake up the next morning you will see all the impurities that they got out of your body.  Walgreens is the best place to go to get these.

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