
Has anyone tried the Rosetta Stone program?

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I would like some feed back please! Is it worth the price? I am trying to learn Italian and thought it might be worth checking out. If not, do you have another suggestion?




  1. best ive tried

  2. I actually have it for Italian I think it works very well.. It is well worth the price.. I've only had it for a few weeks and am doing exceptionally well.. Ive learned more in weeks in Italian than I learned in YEARS of french classes.. I would definitely suggest it. It helps a lot to have the one on one.. They adapt to your voice so they know if you are saying things correctly..  and stay on one subject until you are ready to advance.  

  3. It's good, but very expensive.  As long as you are dedicated you should be alright.  I like the fact that there is no translation(boring doesn't really help), and they have voice recognition software, so that you can pronouce words correctly without an "American" accent on it.

    I've been using it for a few months now(Portugues, my wife's Brazilian) and I can already pick up a lot of conversation when she talks with her parents, and friends. Buona Fortuna!

  4. I was gonna get it...but then I found out how much it costs.

  5. I would love to have that program, but bring the price down...

  6. Rosetta Stone would like you to think that you need their method to learn a language, but believe me, you don't.

    You can get a method that contains a book and CD for 20-30 dollars. See first what you can find at the library. Try them out. Don't let the choice of a method slow you down in your learning motivation. Most lessons today are well designed and will do the trick. Moreover, I always thought working from more that one method/book is the best way to go. And I've learnt a dozen languages.

    I actually tried Rosetta Stone Japanese today. I was very disappointed. Especially considering the price. Their price is not driven by quality, but by marketing strategies. I have a Teach Yourself book and CD set with cost a fraction of the cost and is much better. I also found a Drive Time Japanese set that I find is a nice complement.

    Save your hard earned money and get a tutor. A much better idea.

  7. My sister purchased Rosetta Stone to aid in learning German for work (she spends a 12th of the year in Germany). The program works tremendously well and it really does teach you based on how the brain learns versus strict memorization. I say go for it, enjoy and good luck.

    Also check the URL below a social networking site for learning new languages, this is a wonderful FREE way to learn a language in all aspects, writing, speaking and reading.

  8. It's very nice to get used to the language and learning the basics. One thing I would suggest is getting an Italian to English, English to Italian dictionary off Amazon or something like that.

    You won't exactly become fluent in the language through the program alone. You are better off taking classes at a college or some kind of school along with the Rosetta Stone software both.

  9. Completey worth it. I took the french one. They teach it just leik when you were little!

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