
Has anyone tried the Savage Mark II F, Mark II FV or Mark II FSS? Which one would you reccomend?

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I'm just looking to purchase a .22LR. I don't hunt a great deal, just wanna keep pests like rabbits and foxes off the property (100 acres). I like the look of the savage range. They are an attractive model and i have seen good reviews, but none comparing the three that i like the look of most. Which one is best for what i need? they are all very cheap which worries me, but any help would be great :)




  1. I have owned a couple of the FV rifles and highly recommend them.   They come from the factory with scope bases which makes it simple to mount a scope with Weaver rings.    The FV may cost less than a Ruger M77 bolt action .22 or a CZ, but it is a good value in a synthetic stock.  The low cost is because of the stock, not because of the action.    The Mark II is  known for its accuracy which I can personally attest to..  

  2. Fepowere said it , they are a good gun for not so much money. good luck

  3. I have 2 Savage Mark II's, one is a FV, the FV gets shot more than the plain jane Mark II does. I also have a 93FVSS which is another awesome shooter, if you like 22 magnum.

    There is something to be said about a short, bull barrelled rimfire rifle.

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