
Has anyone tried the empowerment 08 program?

by  |  earlier

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where u send $169 and receive $400 every 2 weeks




  1. Are you in a special education class?  Does this have anything to do with people who have physical and mental disabilities?  You have asked in the wrong section.

  2. Yes it is the real deal.If you are looking for a sponsor that will help you cycle, go to and call me. I will share with you all the exciting detals.

  3. What "Guarantee"?..there is none! Folks,this is pure hype and not based on any facts. It seems according to some posts that they are scrambling to "fix or add" back offices and/or an auto pay system,lol.

    If this so freakin professional,why wasn`t this done BEFORE the big launch? It appears they were trying to track pmts. manually,which is Mickey Mouse to say the least. The web site has been disabled so long now, the momentum and the confidence is crippled. I`ve even seen posting from a few members websites,trying to dispute that any problems exist. The big red flag to me was when I went back to check a few of the "big" promoters sites today,only to find them GONE...POOF!,gone like a f**t in the wind!

  4. Yes, I joined empowerment-08 with three positions, costing a total of $507 (paying an additional $20 for each position for the company to advertise.)

    I am sorry to tell you that after being in now for one month, I have still not received any check at all from them.

    The guarantee has not been fulfilled.

    I have tried to get a responce from the company with no success so far.


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