
Has anyone tried the new T-Mobile @ home service??

by  |  earlier

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I'm courious about the New Service I see advertised. They SAY $10.00 per month, but do you rent the router or outright buy it?? Also, what about all the different taxes that are never talked about but always appear on a normal bill??

My experience tells me that the advertised price is NEVER what the actual bill is...

Anyones help on this would be appreciated.





  1. I'm going to get it later today. And no the first bill is going to be around 100 because of activation fees and the equipment you have to buy. After that the bill would be around $20 with taxes, which is great compared to the $69 I'm paying right now with AT&T.

  2. remember u have to have Tmobile as your cell  service before u add this to your house , its like add ing a second line on your cell phone , but insted they gave u a moden to connect to any home phone or u can use there phone that does not require a moden , u just instal the sim card in the phone ($ 65 ) . modem ($60)

  3. I ordered it today and to my understanding its $50 for the modem, $35 activation fee, $10 per month (unlimited calling to anywhere in the US including PR, Canada, Mexico and DR are extra) and as always taxes and good old surcharge.  But in the long run its worth it, and the sales rep said that im locked into this rate ($10) per month for as long as i remain a customer.

    You have to have a cell phone service with them in order to qualify.

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