
Has anyone tried the south beach diet?

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If so, what do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?




  1. useless ,

  2. In Phase 1 (first 2 weeks), it is a little more challenging.

    For breakfast, I had a couple eggs and some V8. You could make a ham and cheese or veggie omelete, also

    For lunch, I'd usually have a chicken caeser salad or chicken salad with no-sugar vinaigrette.  Or you could make a soup with veggies, beans, and whatever lean cuts of meat you want.

    Dinner was beef or pork tenderloin with fried zucchini or some green beans or the like.

    I also made a lot of dishes with beans. You can make a good Italian casserole with mozzerella and a ton of different veggies -- just without the pasta.

    Make sure you get your 2 cups of low-fat dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt, etc) and plenty of veggies.

    I also snacked on walnuts, string cheese, or boiled eggs

    Phase II is much easier. You can add whole wheat pasta and breads, brown rice, and fruit. I now have oatmeal with my breakfast and sandwiches for lunch (with whole wheat bread, of course)

  3. I've followed the South Beach recommendations and lost weight.  It is safe and effective and will teach you about effects of food choices that should be part of a life-long thinking in maintaining your ideal weight once you reach that.

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