
Has anyone tried this system that claims to increase your fuel economy 150% ?

by  |  earlier

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Please tell me about your experience.

They keep sending marketing pieces in my Sunday paper claiming they have national support from co.'s like NBC, Popular Mechanics, etc. But I can't confirm it.




  1. No, I haven't tried it, nor will I.

    It's a scam!

    Anything that claims to increase your fuel economy by a large number is a scam, because that is just not possible.

    Some tips for help with mileage:

    keep your tire pressure as high as your owners manual allows.

    drive carefully. accelerate slowly.

    when you see a stop (red light, etc) ahead of you, immediately take your foot off the gas and coast to the stop.

    no roof rack

    keep the car maintained properly.

    If your owners manual says premium fuel required, use it.

    on the open highway, drive as slowly as your patience allows. I found that shifting from 75 to 65 increased my mileage by 20%.

    Use cruise control. Steady speed helps mileage.

    Do not idle. let the car warm only for 30 seconds before driving off. If you are going to be stopped at a long light, shut the engine off.

    Don't carry around a lot of useless junk in the trunk of the car.

    Avoid long lines at drive-through windows. You'll save money by going inside.

    And the biggest one: don't drive.

  2. Scam... run away.

    It can't work like they say. Impossible. In modern cars about 99% of the gas is burned in the combustion cycle in the cylinder. So even if it were 100% true (which I doubt) you would get only a very small MPG increase. Since it needs electricity from the alternator to run and the alternator runs off the engine it is probably a small drag n the engine.

    The actual "problem" with the ICE is not that fuel doesn't breakdown to its "elemental state" (whatever that means) but inherent inefficiencies that come with using heated air to drive a mechanical process. (steam engines have the same problem).

    People like this just prey on the scientific and engineering ignorance of the general public to make a buck. At about $1000 a crack you can bet your hat that purchasers of this device have already convinced themselves that they are getting great results. PT Barnum would be proud.

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