
Has anyone tried those wierd foot patches the advertise on tv to help purify toxins out of your body?

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This infomercial looks like such a crock of sh@#, has anyone used these "foot pads"? and do they work? do you actually feel "healthier"?




  1. Ha--there was an article on those in the LA Times Health section totally blasting them (the kinoki pads) out of the water.  Apparently words are even spelling wrong in the ad and the "scientific" backing they cite doesn't even exist.  Just wait, in a few months they will be gone (and something else in place....remember the cortisol fat pill???).  When you think about it anyway, our skin is waterproof so it makes no sense they could work anyway.

  2. You do NOT excrete "toxins" through your skin.  That's what your liver and kidneys are for.  (Typochinko needs to take a few classes and get an education on human physiology!)

    The kinoki foot patches are a total scam.  The only thing they remove is money from the wallets of the gullible.

  3. they are an FTC law suit waiting to happen. they're right up there with "vitamin O"

  4. These foot pads should work.

    Toxins and poisons ARE secreted out through our sweat glands (we even secrete urine through our sweat!)

    The reason we "stink" after sweating is not because of the sweat itself, but the metals /toxins /chemicals /MEDICATIONS

    we've taken.

    And the reason your foot pads aren't getting any cleaner/lighter is because you have a load of toxins still in your body.

    The foot pads are on your skin surface, keeping it from getting dirty from walking.

    Our body is trying to get rid of these nasty things through sweating, urinating, and defecating.

    Everyone would be dead if we didn't have an excretory system.

    I kind of wondered if you could make your own foot pads using cotton pads w/ tea tree oil, or other kind of natural oil.

  5. can we spell

    S C A M?

    no really, they're bogus.  There's a woman here who says she can do the same thing with a foot bath sea salt and an electromagnet in the water, interesting chemical reaction but also bogus.  

    Look at the soles of you feet.  do the pores really look larger than the ones anywhere else on you body even the the unaided eye?  

    I swear, there really is a sucker born every minute and someone waiting to take advantage

  6. they actually gave my one buddy HIV because he got an infected patch

  7. I only use holistic medicine.  These are a crock.  I have tried them myself and have found no one else that has tried them and they worked.  They give the results you see on TV, but they never lighten up.

  8. Its a complete crock.

    Things that they advertise can not actually be secreted through the skin. There is no way its possible.

    However, you can sweat in the pads, and you will see a dirty looking pad. It won't ever get any cleaner though, because it is only getting dirty from your skin, not from toxins.

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