
Has anyone tried to do some amateur sleuthing regarding the Collins submarine computerization effort ?

by  |  earlier

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What was being reported in the media seemed improbable. I wonder if it captured the attention of amateur sleuths ?

The media was saying there were problems with "integrating" the system.

It doesn't wash.

An algorithm to run on a boat would pass an original manufacturer's test.

A patrol simulator would be able to be tested with outputs from the manufacturer-approved algorithm.

So the algorithm would be able to run in the patrol simulator.

So the manufacturer-approved algorithm can be "dynamically" tested (as opposed to "static" input data).

So a patrol can be simulated in the patrol simulator.

Of course, none of this means that it all works. There can be hiccups, things to improve etc. But surely this is progress, as opposed to problems with "integrating" the system.

So someone was mistaken.




  1. I've done some searches, but haven't uncovered too much dirt yet.

  2. This question has no answers,i feel obliged to answer even though i know nothing about it.So no i've not tried, being a novice at this computer terminology i'm just getting used to surfing the net,never mind calculations of programmes,maybe i can answer this question better in future,

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