
Has anyone tried to express their paranormal experiences in songs or short stories or poems etc?

by  |  earlier

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If you have...I'd like to see them. I know they'd probably be too long for here..but you could email them to me. Thanks.




  1. For the last 7 years, I have been on a fascinating path that has exposed me to numerous new ideas and ways of thinking. Past lives, spirit guides, magick, remote viewing, energy healing...just a few. Working with my guides in particular has had some very strange effects.

    I'm clairvoyant and that has enabled me to "see" some pretty unusual things...sometimes as an observer, other times as an active participant. As time went by, these visions of events that seemed to filter through into my inner sight piled up and some I've included on my poetry site called Astral Musing.

    "Nightmare's Nemesis" is one you might find interesting, especially if you understand how much information can be pasased on during the "dreamtime".

    "Night Over Dark" (or "Lucifer's Fall"...couldn't quite decide) was something that I did see, although I have no idea of how or when. Writing this poem was relatively easy because I could see it all happen whenever I took a moment to concentrate.

    I have an avid interest and very strong belief in past lives and consider them to be a major influencing factor in who we are today. There are some periods of history that absolutely fascinate me, while others bring on a yawn. I wrote a poem called, "The Amazon Principle", which was a short tale about a bronze age wanderer who comes across a band of Amazon warriors, defending themselves against slavers. Helping to drive them off, he is taken to the queen's bedchamber for a night of passion and then chased away the next morning. Years later, while at Apollo's altar, he is informed that the union had produced a daughter, one which he will never see. Writing this actually felt like reliving a memory...seriously. Where does the motivation come from, to suddenly sit down and write because a movie is playing in your head that you can't stop?

    "Astral Horror" was another memory that was sketchy, like a radio station that fades in and out as you're driving. It was one of my earliest after being "awakened" so it isn't my best effort.

    I've included the URL for my site below, as well as to my blog called "Incursions Into Otherworld", so you can see which direction I am coming from, as far as my psychic background and incentive for writing.

    Hope you enjoy.

  2. I have put together an interpretive dance describing my first paranormal encounter. I have only performed it for close friends tho. Maybe next time I'll videotape it and upload it to Youtube.

  3. People do express their paranormal experiences in songs, short stories or poems.

    Music is used to try and encourage paranormal events as well as express them. Artwork has been used many times to express the paranormal. Writers have many times authored short stories about paranormal experiences. I've posted a few links you might like to see.

  4. I haven't but others have, including some rather famous writers.

    EDIT: Denie, with all the avatar activity it's getting so I don't know it's you.  I didn't read all of the poems and I don't speak to their content or the accuracy of the attributions.

  5. I have- but I'll send it to you in an e-mail k? It's about a UFO I saw back in highschool.

  6. You remind me of the babe

    What babe?

    The babe with the power.

    What power?

    The power of voodoo.

    Who do?

    You do.

    Remind me of the babe.

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