
Has anyone tried to run in ur "dreams" while asleep..???

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Has anyone tried to run in ur "dreams" while asleep..???




  1. Yeah my legs hit eachother & woke me up... I also had a dream of walking down stairs it involves me not havn enough balence and waking myself up, lolz.

  2. Running in your dreams may represent your way of coping with fears, stress or various situations in your waking life. Instead of confronting the situation, you are running away and avoiding it. Whoever is chasing you (if someone is)  may also represent a part of yourself or your own feelings of anger, jealousy, fear, and possibly love. Try to find out "what" you are running from by turning around (in your dream) to confront what you are running from. You can do this by using "lucid dreaming". Go to

  3. No, but here are some things I have done while dreaming:

    1) Laughing: I began to laugh in the middle of a dream. I think my laughing musthave woke me up and then I wnet back to sleep to finish the dream!! The weird thing was, the dream was about fish that I had to put in a bucket repeatedly!

    2) Flying: Well, I didn't actually fly, but I woke up and my sister told me I was flapping my arms during my sleep! I told her I had a dream where I had to flap my arms in order to fly!

    3) Talking: My sister (back when I shared a room with her) told me I said the words "I'm sorry" in the middle of my sleep. I can't remember what my dream was about but I must have been sorry about something!!

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