
Has anyone used A Beka homeschool for their 7th grader?

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Has anyone used A Beka homeschool for their 7th grader?




  1. I homeschooled both of my daughters in 7th grade.  One daughter just finished 12th grade (homeschooled most of the way), and the other just finished 9th (homeschooled so far).  I did not use Abeka, and here's why.  Abeka relies heavily on rote memorization and workbook activities.  Also, because the curriculum is written for a classroom setting, many of the suggested activities in the teacher's books are not suitable for home school setting.  I'm sure that Abeka is sound academically, but not exactly homeschool friendly -- at least not the last time I looked.  Check to see if they have special editions for homeschoolers.  Also check out Sonlight curriculum.  Just looking through their catalog will give you a lot of ideas.  If your state has a homeschooler's curriculum fair, go and look at many curricula before deciding.  I always used a combination.  I tried to find the best for each subject.  Also, what works for one student may not be the best for each student.  I even had differences between my two daughters.  Read up on "learning styles" and try to determine your child's learning style before choosing a curriculum.  

    Check out Sonlight curriculum.

  2. Do you mean A Beka Homeschool Curriculum?

    Yes, I used it to teach my children.

    Excellent textbooks.

  3. Yes, I have friends who have.  The A Beka approach doesn't work well for my 6th/7th grader, so we use different curricula.  However, for kids that like that approach, it's a very good choice.

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