
Has anyone used Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay?

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I have really bad itchy skin and I think I might have some impurities or toxins in my body trying to come out of my skin. I just want to know if anyone else has used this product and gotten good results. Thanks




  1. oooh,my mother has

    it works pretty well on her face

    and it feeels a lot softer once she takes it off

    i would suggest using it :]

  2. Yes. It is a fantastic product for many things, both internally and externally.

    Perfect for removing impurities. Don't let the clay dry on the skin and treat it always as a dirty bandage when you remove it. Throw away immediately. Never use twice.

    Wishing you all the best!

    Lisa J

  3. Well it's great for rich people who have nothing better to spend thier money on as over glorified bentonite clay that they happen to find in death valley california.  Buy some for much cheaper that does not have secret in the name and it will do the same things whether it is found in Wyoming or California.  Well that is for external use, just make sure you use fiber when ingesting this stuff or you'll be constipated up to your ears.  And on that note just as many or more toxins will be removed just using a good fiber like pssylium husks or doing a three day fasting cleanse and work much better.  As far as for cleansing your skin, you'd make out better just slapping some mud on your face from outside when it rains, it will do the same thing and it will be FREE.  As far as your itchy skin, use pure aloe from the plant or jojoba or vitamin E oil it will work very well but for christsakes don't get the secret stuff because that's exactly what it is it's so secret that no one even can notice what it does.  Now as far as the impurities or toxins try some charcoal which will be just as effective but the easiest best thing to do would  just eat a lot of garlic or baked garlic cloves with a healthy diet.

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