
Has anyone used IUI treatment to get pregnant, did it work the first time and what was the cost?

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IF you are in Nz please answer my question :)

Just found out that we do not qualify for Public funding so have to pay our selfs -- I think it is really unfair :(




  1. We just had our first cycle of IUI this month.  It was our first time and unfortunately I don't think it worked (had a major temp drop today, 22 DPO)  Our insurance didn't cover any of the treatments and this is what we paid:

    $320 for office visit, ultrasound & HCG trigger shot

    $130 for the sperm washing

    $165 for the IUI itself

    $18 for the clomid

    But if you add all of the Dr. visits and tests for the month it comes out to about $1500.

    Next month we are trying an injectable cycle and I think that will raise the monthly cost anywhere from $500- $1500.

    I agree about it being unfair, infertility is a medical issue too and insurance should cover it!  

    I hope this helps you and I wish you the best of luck!!!

    TTC#1 32 months

  2. Woah.  Public funding covers an IUI??  How does this work?  An IUI costs a minimum of $1,000.  They have to wash the sperm.

  3. In the U.S., it cost us 7-800 for the sperm and shipping, and 100 for the actual IUI. Our doctor is cheap! Yes it worked the first time for myself and for my twin sister (hers was a year ago).

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