
Has anyone used Lexapro?

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Anyone ever taken lexapro for anxiety? Looking for side effects from actual patients, not just whats on the internet. Thanks




  1. It's alright. I lost weight like a speed addict. Could eat whatever I wanted. It made me a little hyper.  But I was also anxious sometimes, and then would crash into awful depression. So I quit, and it got really bad for about two weeks, then I was the me I am today. (haha.)

  2. i was on it, and it sucked.  i could not reach o****m and hated s*x which is SO not normal for me and thats the main reason i went off it.  i had horrible dreams.  not fun.  it did nothing for anxiety at all, made me just feel weird.  i was on it for a couple of months.  i have tried all sorts of things for anxiety and panic attacks and as awesome as xanax turned out to be, it eventually does not work so im sure this will irritate some people reading this (but this is about opinions, right?) your better off to self medicate yourself the way nature intended with some good ol kind bud  =)  

    i know this sounds horrible as well, but sometimes you have to weigh the options...pills that ruin your body or like a small chance of lung cancer if you chose to smoke it rather than cook with it?  cook with it and you win all the way around...

    gOOd luck!  

  3. I took lexapro.  It did go while for me.  I'm bipolar and have extreme anxiety and it just made it worse.  I was more panicy and made my bipolar worse.  But I can't say if it is going to work for you.  But with me it didn't do while.  I hope this helps.

  4. I just posted about my side effects:

    - decreased libido

    - difficulty achieving o****m

    - really vivid dreams

    I have been on lexapro for about 3 weeks and it definitely decreased my anxiety.  Although it has helped, I HATE the fact I have a decreased s*x drive and difficulty having orgasms!

  5. Yea I took it for almost 2 years I think. Honestly it did not help much with anxiety, I had to get a benzo for that (I used klonopin which helped a lot). It did help with depression but eventually became less effective and I ended up switching. I don't think there were any bad side effects though..

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