
Has anyone used Sam-E and have good results?

by  |  earlier

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It was recommended and I would like to hear results.




  1. yes I used it and it was excellent.

    I was really down in the dumps over a very upsetting situation and couldn't shake the depression. I felt very down, very blah, very sad.   I knew this feeling was related to the situation and even though it had happened 2-3 months prior, I still couldn't seem to get over it.

    I took SAM-e twice a day for 1 month and started to exercise a few times a week. By the end of the month, I felt great.

    It was exactly what I needed to get me through that low period and I've felt very good ever since.  If I ever go through something that effects me that way again, I will definitely use SAM-e again.

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