
Has anyone used a Catholic School for thier ASD child?

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My son is HF and well above grade level. After 2 years in this school and a change in teachers we believe his behavior issues are related to his environment there and not his environment at home or his ASD. We pay for therapy in addition to what he gets in the PS, so he won't be missing that. The CS nearby was recommended for summer school program just to keep him on a good schedule(PS says he doesn't need it) and I was wondering if anyone else had good experience using their system? The local CS have Special Ed programs, and I'm waiting for a return email from them.

Thanks in advance!!




  1. It would be difficult to tell you the quality of education in your local schools -- public or Catholic -- since it differs so widely from district to district and school to school. Regardless of whether the school is public or private, the important thing for your son is that the teachers are willing to work with him (and you) to determine the best modes for teaching and learning. Students with ASD traditionally have difficulty in certain areas (trouble with transitions, for example, or sensory issues). If the teachers are willing to listen to your concerns, and create a learning space that is appropriate for your son, then the -type- of school is irrelevant.

    p.s. I'd be interested to know how the Catholic schools near you provide special education services, since they likely don't qualify for government funding (unless you're not in the US?), but that's a different question for a different day.

  2. We have a special needs boarding school run by Catholic nuns that does a great job in educating kids like your son. It's called Villa Marie and it's run by the Marian Sisters. It's really awesome and they have summer camps, too.

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