
Has anyone used a coach in collaborative divorce (instead of an attorney)?

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My ex and I are using a mediator for our divorce. This mediator also does collaborative divorce, either with one lawyer each for my ex and I, or one coach for each of us.

Has anyone ever used a coach in mediation / collaborative divorce? Was it useful for you?




  1. Poor Kev let me adopt you Snizz and SM are just evil people come with me ill treat you right...

    Pat no never, marriage was never registered ...whoo hooo  

  2. No I'm sorry!!!

    It was the dancing that drove her away wasn't it? She was jealous of your mad dancing skills!!!

    *slaps* kev...I was giving him a compliment!!!

    Hey when did it go from let's beat up on SM to beat up on Snizz day???

  3. Not yet Babe but, who knows how my divorce will really go once the stuff hits the fan :-)

    This is what I had found on wiki, maybe it will help you. It sounds like a much better process than a traditional "court" divorce.

    I wish you the best!!!!

  4. Sorry Pat, I've never been married.

    Don't listen to Snizz, she doesn't appreciate good dancing...

    Always be suspicious when Snizz gives you a compliment!

    She's never far away from slapping, kicking, or yelling (or all 3) at me...!

    Thanks Lulu! Those mean nasty Snizzies and SM's are bullies...

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