
Has anyone used a isolation tank before?

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im woundering how it feels.




  1. The purpose of an isolation tank is to reduce stimulus to the body. It can be used as a therapy in patients who seek relief from too much stimulation, such as Aspergers or Autism. In such patients it causes a calming effect. I believe that there exist safety guidelines that must be followed with Autistic patients. If the tank is set up properly then you don't feel anything. As there is no stimulation to the body, your sense of self retreats to your head. About the only thing you will feel is your tongue in your mouth, swallowing and blinking. In general, it is a tool that will assist you to relax and has no side effects from long term use.

  2. Very freaking lonely. my own place is an isolation tank. If your not used to being isolated as a child and you try it now, you'll break in no time.

  3. 2 yrs ago, it was freaky at first, b/c you are cut off from outside stimuli, however, it becomes a calming almost out of body experience because you become completly tuned in to yourself.  This is not for the claustrophobic though.

  4. An isolation tank is a light less, soundproof tank in which subjects float in salty water at skin temperature. They were first used by John C. Lilly in 1954 in order to test the effects of sensory deprivation. Such tanks are now also used for meditation, prayer, relaxation, and in alternative medicine.

    Isolation tanks were originally called sensory deprivation tanks. They were renamed because it was found that the terminology of "sensory deprivation" negatively prejudiced people prior to experiencing the use of the device. Dr. Peter Suedfeld and Dr. Roderick Borrie of the University of British Columbia began experimenting on the therapeutic benefits of this technique in the late 1970s. They renamed the technique Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST) or Floatation REST.

    {If you’ve seen the movie Daredevil, at the end of the day, Ben Affleck (Daredevil) slips into one of these floatation tanks in order to relax because they let you cut off all external sensory stimulation's of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. They give you a closed in feeling.}however ,i haven't had the

    opportunity to try one,i think it would be cool to try !

  5. Sleep under your bed or in a closet, then you'll have it.

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