
Has anyone used a ouiji board if so did anything bad happen??

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Has anyone used a ouiji board if so did anything bad happen??




  1. that game is just that....a game.  the little pointer only moves "on its own" if someone else is moving it.  its fake.

  2. I have one sitting on a shelf with the rest of my board games - I haven't used it in years. Most people attribute a Ouija Board's movement to something called the Ideomotor effect, which basically means your body moves and/or reacts to something without you realizing it (ie - crying when you feel sad - you don't actually tell your body to start crying, it just happens). You want the planchette to move, so you're actually moving it without realizing it.

    However, they're still great fun, and can be kind of spooky if you're in the right frame of mind. I wouldn't worry too much about using one :)

  3. I saw a special on TV about them - they're just the concious or unconcious mind of the people using the board manifesting itself.  You can blindfold the people and they can't get any more messages, lol, and you can trick them to contact the "ghost" of someone by telling them a fake name and say that's a person who died in the room.

    So the ouija board is just to scare people I think.

  4. my friends and i used it back in the eighties when we were in high school.  nothing bad happened but we were so convinced that it answered our questions.  ever since the exorcist i have had this ominous feeling about that stupid game.  it has spanned a generation because my niece is leery of it as well and she is 16.  i must add that i attended a catholic school and satan was drilled into your head on a daily basis.

  5. In high school, me and a couple of friends made our own. we called the spirit of one of my friends grandpas. none of us could of answered some of those questions that were being asked - we didn't know anything about their relationship. She started to cry and the spirit said "dont be scared" which frightened her even more and she ran away

  6. I used one of those boards once. I wouldn't suggest using those becuase they can 'open up portals' or wake spirits or whatever but I know know how I can possibly believe that becuase how is a game board-going to do that? It doesn't really make sense and I still want to cut open the board to see if magnets is controlling it. But; I used it once and nothing really bad happened. Something told us that it was in the vents of the house though. There are lots of weird stories about the quiji board-but most of them are just teens trying to scare their friends with their spooky stories-it doesn't really work.

  7. It moves, it's fun, it's creepy, but I won't do it anymore because although I don't believe anything bad will really happen, I just wont take a chance on something I don't know enough about. It's not worth it for a little bit of fun. (I also grew up Catholic.)

  8. I have used one since I was a kid and have never had a problem--but I know how dangerous they can be and I've always said the Lord's Prayer before I start and ask for protection from evil forces.  BE CAREFUL.

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