
Has anyone used a service like Omnitrace to locate birthfamily?

by Guest64812  |  earlier

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I'm brand new to my adoptee/birthmom search/reunion and would appreciate all helpful advice or input.




  1. Hi!  No, I have not used Omnitrace, although I have checked out their website and I have spoken to a 'consultant' on the phone, then I asked a few questions here.  Their fee, if you don't know, is $1300, and several people here said that fee would mostly be paying for their experience, and that you could most likely do the work yourself- it might take longer, though.  (On a side note, they've proabably called me about 20 times asking if I wanted to do the search, they really want my $$$ and will say anything to get it- but in our case, you can't squeeze water from a rock!) LaurieDB knows a lot, and so does Gershom.  I hope they help you out.  If not, I think most of the reunion type adoption sites have some really good pointers that can at least get you started.

    But, that said, if I had $1300 to spare, I might already be in contact with my half brother.  You never know.

    Hope this helps~

    *Oh, I wanted to add, for what it's worth- Omnitrace said that it usually takes them about a year.

  2. I've never used that service. I been on a few registrys but alas I do get depressed and frustrated, Lots of luck.

  3. Thankyou for asking this question, seriously, I just talked to them this morning.

    When I found out the fee, I immediatley declined, but now have been seriously contemplating a loan.

    Thanks to you, I have insight from others to snap me back to reality.

  4. I would not recommend them for a search.  They can only use the information that you provide to them.  They have no ability to  open records in any state.  Many free online search sites and groups have search angels that can and will do the same or even better work for free.  Post and search your information at all of the following sites plus any more you can locate as well (not .com!) only register by mail (excellent team of searchers)

    place a consent for contact in your records so that anyone trying to locate you will be able to facilitate a reunion.

    register with your state run site and any private state specific sites

    yahoo groups The Registry &Souring Angels

    use this site to see what your states laws are regarding access to records.

    currently there are only a few open records states but most have a restriction of some sort.

    AK, KS, AL, MA, TN, OH (pre 1964) MT (pre 1967), NH

  5. I used a different service than Omnitrace, but only after years of searching because I really had no other options as mine was a private gray market adoption with no agency in a closed records state. I'd only recommend a service as an absolute last resort after anything and everything had been tried, and I'd only use a service that had a 'no fee if no find' guarantee.

    Before I'd even remotely suggest any type of service, I'd start with:

    1.) Registering at Soundex:

    2.) Filing a waiver of confidentiality at the court:

    3.) Joining a search support group. I don't know of any Utah specific ones, but this nationwide group is very active and has had a lot of successful finds:

    And these three are just as starters. I'm not knocking paid services; I wouldn't have my identity if I didn't use one, I just think we've all paid so much already.

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