
Has anyone used cyproheptadine in cats for appetite stimulation?

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If you've used cyproheptadine (periactin) for cats to stimulate their appetite, what dose did you use? What was the time of onset? And did it help to stimulate their appetite?





  1. That antihistamine is used frequently as it tends to stimulate a cats appetite.  It doesn't work for all cats, but is worth a try.  Ask your vet for a dose as it depends on your cats weight and health history.  

  2. I haven't used that, but last time I needed to stimulate a kittens appetite the vet gave me nutri cal....some people call it donuts for kittens, and it worked.

  3. I have a customer with a 12 year old cat that looked like a bunch of bones less than 6 months ago. When we saw him last week for grooming he was fat! The vet has been doing research on giving cats valium. It works the opposite on cats, it makes them stimulated and hungry. I am not a vet! Do NOT do this without your veterinarians permission as it such a new treatment I am told. Like I said, this is what the customer told me,...and I have not tried it myself. Please ask your vet to research this new treatment.

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