
Has anyone used cytotec?

by  |  earlier

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I asked a similiar question earlier but didnt get the answer i was looking for, maybe I worded it wrong. Im 8.6 weeks pregnant and my baby passed last week. The dr gave me cytotec to induce the miscarriage, I want to hear the stories of women that actually used it. Did you bleed alot, did you have a prior c section, how much pain were you in and how long did you bleed for?




  1. Hi

    I have been in your situtation, i had a misscarriage On May 24th 08, and I had my dr. appt on may 22nd and they told me that no baby had developed past my 8wk mark. I was given the options to take the pills (cytotec), D&C or wait for it to happen naturally, I opted for the pills since I didnt fell like there was reason to wait, so on Saturday May 24th I took 3 pills at 12pm, it was really not to bad within an hour or 2 my stomach was hurting a little kinda like might of had to go to the bathroom,  and then I started to have some bleeding not much at all and i was ok could walk, stand didnt have craps and by 11pm that night it had all passed, and everything mostly came only when I was on the toilet so i didnt have to see anything an by 11pm there was nothing else coming out or really anymore bleeding. The next day I had nothing coming out all no bleeding nothing thought it was over! but On Monday I started to have bleeding like I was on my period heavy and crampy. On Tuesday I went back to the doctors for my check up and they said everything had passed, so I belive the baby and stuff... =(  all came out on saturday since nothing happend agin till monday. but after that like I said from monday on  it was like an extreamly bad period, i had alot of cramps and mortirn was barely helping, and it was deffinalty something I do not want to experience agin but I do belive I guess that is just what happens after the fact=(  I dont think you can get away from that no matter what option you choose, but I do i belive the pills worked quick and was not painful. I bleed from Monday to the following weds. after that I did not get a period agin for 38 days and it was very normal, then after that my 2nd period was only 28 days later so expect it take a while to adjust. Im sooo sorry for your loss, I know its hard, and no one is ever ready for the pain & hurt that comes with type of loss. Take care and good luck!  

  2. I have one child that I had through a c section and got pregnant again years later.  it was a blighted ovum discovered at about 8 weeks.

    i took the cytotec.  i guess i was expecting something to happen right away but it didnt work that way.

    i started bleeding about 4 hours after i took it.  bleed like a normal cycle for two days then bam the contractions hit and d**n they really hurt.. i remembered my dr. gave me pain meds, didnt think i would need them, but i did..

    if you start having a strange cramp feeling that comes over like a wave take the pain meds right away, they get worse.

    I'm really sorry for your loss, i know there are no words that help.. i've been there and over a year later i am still ttc..

    good luck to you and God Bless.

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