
Has anyone used echinacea tea for toddlers, specifically under two years?

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I've got a cold and I always use echinacea tea to help fight it off...usually with good results. I was wanting to give my daughter a cup (8 oz) just to help boost her immune system. But my mom is saying toddlers cannot have echinacea....Has anyone heard of this and why?




  1. If it's a natural tea (I dont know what it is) then its probably fine. But you know some stuff is different in kids than in adults. If youre wondering about it, you could call your local poison control center and ask them. They have info on all that stuff. Believe me, I've had to call them myself a few times. I have a 2 year old too. She got into some CO-Q10, which is almost like a vitamin for adults, but not so good for her. She was fine, no side effects, but they told me what it could cause in her, and it's not the same as in adults. Hope this helps!

  2. The echinacea tea will be fine, just don't give her as much as you'd take. Adjust the dose according to her weight or just give her roughly a quarter of what you'd take. You could give her hot lemons aswell. They're a great immune booster. Add a little honey and she'll love it.

  3. i never heard of that. and wouldnt echinacea tea have a warning on the box if that was really possible?? "keep out of reach from children" or something/ I guess you would thin anyway that it would... hmmm. i dont think it will really hurt her honestly. my son is four years old and i have given him a lil bit of Emergen-C. it helped him and he was fine. thats another good cold butt kicker. i get the rasberry flavor. i like it better then the echinacea tea actually. try 4 oz first.

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