
Has anyone used

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I want to get cheaper health insurance. I am in very good health, and think I am paying too much.

What do you think of Have you used them personally, or known someone who has?

Is there a better way for me to do this?




  1. I purchased a policy through them last year, when I was between jobs.  (It was cheaper than COBRA coverage.)

    However, I understand insurance terminology and how it all works, so I didn't need someone to explain the differences in policy options to me.

    A person who needs someone to advise them on selecting the best policy to meet their needs might be better off with a local agent.  Someone who can sit down with you face to face and review things for you.  Picking an insurance policy on your own would be very confusing, if you didn't have a high comfort level with insurance-related info!

  2. You can get a lot of quotes, but unless you know insurance terminology and how deductibles and co-pays work, get an agent to help you.

  3. Get quotes there for comparison sake but DON'T do business there.  There is no advantage to you.  You're better off working with a smaller or independent broker (because that's all they are is a broker), but the "call center model" that they use does not provide the level of expertise and service that you can get from an independent broker.

    Also, case in point, my site offers more products than theirs.  I just don't have the pockets to keep up with their advertising.  But at the end of the day service from a professional is going to far outweigh that of a customer service representative.

  4. My opinion is that you are better off working with an independent agency doing business in your state.  This way your broker will have more knowledge about the product offerings and/or limitations based on your state's rules.  I understand that ehealth charges a small setup fee on their policies as well.

    We, of course, are competing with large companies like ehealth in order to provide a better buying experience for our customers.

  5. Yes, I know people who have used ehealth insurance, and they've gotten a bunch of quotes for comparison purposes.  

    Basically companies like ehealth, and sell your info as an insurance lead to insurance companies who are looking for prospects matching your profile.  Using companies like this is one of the easiest ways to shop for health insurance because you only have to put your information in once instead of a bunch of times.  You can find a bunch of companies offering health insurance in your state at

  6. YOu are not the only one,I have ever met the similiar problem before.I have good experience here though.

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