
Has anyone used the Baby Bumblebee videos with a child that has autism and did the videos help their speech?

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I have heard that these videos are extremely beneficial to kids with autism and significantly improve their speech.




  1. Our son likes to watch them but they are no miracle, I think the advertising is a bit much.  Biomedical, speech and occupational therapy, good preschool, tons of love and good parenting AND the videos In combination and our boy is making huge advances.

    Autism is treatable and reversible.

  2. This is something that the company claims. If the child has some speech, the tapes may be helpful. It won't help everyone though. As always when trying something that has sound, watch for signs of over-stim!


  3. Yes-they help with receptive language (understanding) and expressive (saying)--

    so it may be helpful even if the child in not talking yet

    it's not a guarantee it will help every child-or even a lot--only some

    as someone else said-they must be used in conjucntion with other therapies...

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