
Has anyone used the website I'm afraid of getting scammed, it's a little fishy!

by  |  earlier

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I'm wanting to buy an item off of their website but they are having me send my payment through a Moneypak GreenDot card. They want me to send my last digits on the moneypak card through email and I don't think thats safe and I don't want to be scammed so if anyone could help, that'd be awesome!




  1. Sounds a liitle fishy, if you don't feel comfortable buying from someone (it sure seems this is the case) then please don't buy from someone you feel you can't trust/

  2. I google earthed the address they provided and it is an empty road in the middle of a bunch of bushes with no buildings in sight.

    I then called their "customer service department" using the number provided on their website and after going through an automated menu I was transferred to a customer service agent.  The phone rang for about 15 seconds and then it said that customer service is not available at the time and to leave a voice mail.

    I tried the same thing with their "returns department" and it said they weren't available either and to leave a voice mail.

    Looks like a scam to me people, stay away!

  3. If the pricing doesn't tell you it's a scam, lets look at the facts...

    Their address comes back to an undeveloped plot of land in a marina and their domain name was just registered on 6/13/2008 to a PO box in California. The registration data is all anonymous, including the email address they used to register the domain name.

    You do the math...

  4. I wouldn't do it, they want to suck you in so that they get money off you. If you don't trust it, and think it could be risky, just go to a different site, maybe a more commonly known one. Good luck...

  5. don't do it. It sound's like a scam.

  6. do it and be stupid or be smart and dont

  7. I also thought something was odd, so i didn't follow through. They have Ipod Touches at extremely low prices, so I didn't want to get scammed.  Anyone know where i can find a touch for a reasonable price?

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