
Has anyone used those detoxifying food pads and found it makes a difference in anyway?

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The ones you tape on to the bottoms of you feet.




  1. If your talking about the Kinoki foot patch it doesnt work. Its all a gimmick, if I remember correctly, the foot patch contains tea and vinegar and doesnt do anything.. If it does its more of a placebo effect, all that stuff about how it turns black the next day, it'll turn black on its own without any skin contact..Its a waste..

  2. I tried some from a company called "Detoxion" -- which they claim is just like Kinoki, but without all the infomercials and advertising.  I did get some gross discoloration on the pads in the morning, but I didn't necessarily feel different.  

    I wouldn't waste your money...

  3. One of the consumer reports shows on the local NY news channel debunked them pretty thoroughly.  Don't waste your money

  4. They will help relieve that full feeling you may be experiencing in your wallet but that is about it.

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