
Has anyone violated a ebay policy?

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A while back- I was accused of shill bidding and I did my 14 days. Would I be ok from now on if I just to continue to abide by ebays rules? I just always seem to watch my back and am constantly a bit paranoid. Has anyone violated a policy and just moved on without hassles again?




  1. I go kicked off of ebay for selling something with a copy right on it that I did not own. I made little charms for bracelets with pictures on them.  All I had to do was send them a letter saying I would not do it again. I sent it in and got ebay back. I did get a letter saying if I got caught doing it again I would be permanently banned from ebay. All in all, dont be paranoid about it, if that is not what you are doing, you will be able to get out of it. If you are shill bidding then I would be paranoid and probably stop. If you get kicked off after your warning then you cant get back on, unless you signed up with a spouses name and use there Credit Card.  The link tells you more about the shell bidding in case you didnt know.  

  2. I know someone who gets a shill bidding warning 3-4 times a year on the same account, and nothing ever happens aside from the 14 day timeout.  They take the 14 day timeout, play nice for awhile, and then go back to business as usual.

    (This person has probably had at least 12 shill bidding warnings and timeouts over the past few years...again, on the same account, not like he's creating new accounts all the time.)

  3. Frankly, I don't see the problem with shill bidding.   If some idiot doesn't know what an item is worth (use closed or other opened auctions, for Pete's sake) then they shouldn't be buying anything online, anyway.

    Real, live auctions are usually attended by people well-versed in the value of items for sale.  eBay has allowed dimwits to enter BOTH sides of the auction process (not calling you a "dimwit", by the way).

    Shill bidding is an intentional act.   Most of the other stuff that can get your auction deleted are unintentional and shouldn't cause you much of a problem beyond that.

    Oh, except for the people who put keywords in their auction titles that have nothing to do with the products they are selling.  They should be shot.

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