
Has anyone watched CNN today on live coverage of the Senate floor? Unbelievable!?

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The House President is not allowing any more ammendmants! And now there are no ammendmants for our energy crisis. I am so upset!!!! Why can't we add more ammendmants? Why can't there be a rule bent to take care of us people that are struggling!? answer and also tell me what you think of this.




  1. The democratic party wants oil up to as high as they can make it as they say the higher it goes the quicker we get off oil it dosen't matter that the world economy is destroyed in the process . but I haven't heard a single plan from the democrats that work and everything is long term (code for a cold day in h**l)

    1. the oil leases are tied up in litigation  that's why you don't see drilling on a grander scale going on (that's smoke and mirrors in this statement) omitting facts is a great way to convince the public on something ask your local politician

    2. offshore oil can be tapped in as little as 5 years not 10-20 so another erroneous statement was made here

    3. the showing to the world that we as a country are finally serious about utilizing our own resources and not depending upon the world teat would bring down oil prices case in point the fact that there is a serious debate about drilling has caused a precipitous drop in the price of oil in the last two weeks alone again debunking that argument

    4. and finally trying to get at the national reserves isn't an answer just a band-aid to an arterial hemorrhage and window dressing

  2. its only the democrat circus. you got what the people wanted. it will only get worse.

  3. Republicans wanted to amend the bill to permit offshore drilling for oil. never mind that

    a.) Two Republican governors oppose it

    b.) oil producers have leases in the U.S. now that they aren't using.

    c.) Any oil from the offshore drilling won't be available for 10-20 years.

    d.) Oil produced from offshore drilling would be sold on the world market. ecause of that, it would only reduce the price of gas a few cents.

    Democrats wanted to get oil on the market now to reduce U.s. prices, and the Republicans fought them on it. so... Blame the GoP!

  4. We need to eliminate the democrats from government once and for all. They have become communists.

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