
Has anyone who has broken their nose...

by  |  earlier

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gotten it fixed a few years later? i broke it, but im too young to get it fixed right now. i'll get it fixed in like, 2 years or so. i just want to know, does it hurt? and how badly? i sing, and i know it can mess your singing voice up. its harder to breathe, like i always have a stuffy nose. is it really worth it?




  1. I never got mine fixed. It helped me remember the event that lead up to it and it was kind of important to me. It has never affected my breathing or singing.

    If you can't breathe or you need your singing voice, get it fixed. I'm sure you can look up on Wikipedia or another site the procedure and if it will hurt or not.  

  2. My 2 year old old daughter broke my nose (cracked it). It's alway stuffy. and if its not stuffy, its drippy.

  3. dont fix looks good

  4. When I was 8 I got smacked in the face by a metal bar which completely broke my nose in half. I went and spent the night at a hospital since I lost a lot of blood. I don't remember much but I do know that I never had it fixed or anything done since the accident. But since the injury I have always had a stuffy nose and a few minor breathing problems through my nose.

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